Yes, as many other business travelers I get around pretty well in the German hotel industry and gastronomy. I experience imposing grand hotels, idyllic country hotels, as well as stylish design hotels — and of cause sometimes hotels I could have done without. One positive effect of frequent traveling is, that you get to know a broad spectrum of hospitality and hotel industry, a negative effect is the dulling. Guests — and I catch myself occasionally — take many things for granted.
2. June 2019
Liability & realness

Believe it or not, when frequent travelers meet, beside faciallies and location of the hotel, the soft factors — the staff — becomes often topic. There is everything from praise to blame, but unfortunately those who are concerned seldom experience it. We guests often do not take into account that the staff in the restaurant and hotel are usually much younger and therefore less experienced than we are. For them, formal address and clothing are often shields, partly prescribed by the corporate — their appearance is then sometimes buttoned, bumpy or even arrogant.
Only the real ones
It is always the “real” employees who represent their house with dedication — and score points in the competition for the guests’ favor. It does not matter if I stay in a globally recognized grand hotel or eat in a restaurant. An exceptionally positive mood radiates only obliging and amiable employees. They are attractive and wherever I feel attracted, I return at the next opportunity without much thought. So you will unconsciously become a regular.
The difference
In my memories remain the employees who showed real interest, rather if it was in a telephone call, at the reception, in the restaurant or in the corridor to the way to the toilet, with authenticity for my person or for my life situation. When I arrive at the reception, totally late, hungry and destroyed, I would like to hear: “Seems, that you are looking for a beer, good food and a shower” and not “did you have a nice arrival?” One gives a good feeling, you feel understood; the other gives nothing — nada.
The almost forgotten concept is commitment . The committed employee will open the heart of the guest, and these open guests will be just as honest — not just leave a negative review in rating portals like Tripadvisor or Foursquare. These highly communicative guests are the best consultants, they work with dedication and are completely free, volunteering to give valuable input on improvement processes and new impulses for change.
Be real folks!
Therefore, I plead for more realness and commitment in dealing with guests and for more free space for employees to behave like this. The rules of conduct of a corporate are sometimes useful as a guide, but only if its not at the expense of honesty. Be real folks!